
Greetings from the AUIRG – the Australian IDDSI Reference Group. We are a group of volunteers from around Australia, in a range of different settings, all involved in IDDSI implementation and review. We meet monthly to guide, foster, advocate, facilitate and support IDDSI – and we would love to hear more from you. 

Top 3 Priorities:
  1. Conduct environmental scan to determine current IDDSI implementation needs
  2. Test Mashed potato to provide guideline and recommendations
  3. Adapt/ Modify educational materials
Volunteers wanted! If you are interested in joining, please contact 
Current Implementation Status

Australia has formally transitioned from the Australian National Standardised terminology and definitions for texture modified foods and thickened liquids to IDDSI. IDDSI has been implemented in Australia since May 2019. 

Reference Group

Australia IDDSI reference group (AUIRG) was formed in June 2021. We are currently recruiting volunteers to help guide, foster, advocate, facilitate and support implementation of IDDSI in Australia.  If you are interested in joining, please contact 

Contact Us
Work Teams Leadership Contact Info
Primary Contact Julie Cichero Email or contact
Operational Lisa Sossen Email or contact
Contact Email Australia or contact 
Australian IDDSI Steering Committee
  • Chair: Phil Juffs (DAA)
  • Trish Johnson (SPA)
  • Natalie Stapleton, Bridget Spokes (DAA)
  • John Boland, Robert Berry (IHHC)
  • Jane Winter, Laura Ross, Matilda Mulgrave (NestlĂ© Health Sciences)
  • Brenda Mosel, Mike Tristram (Precise ThickN)
  • Alex Ross, Cathie Watts (Flavour Creations)
  • Julie Cichero (IDDSI International and Australian Project Officer)
  This information was last updated August 2023.